Experience in the hands of the masters

Pasta is what brings all of us together

We spent the last ten years learning, cooking, teaching and bringing friends, family and custumers together through the art of pasta making. Our goal is to share this art with the world to pass the passion for fresh hand made pasta to the next generation.

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Our goal at T’eamPasta

Our goal is to unlock people and business potential in the art of pasta making, inspired by the deeply rooted Italian culinary traditions of our heritage.


A tradition to Pass on

Our job is our passion. A passion we would love to pass on to chefs, pasta makers and pasta lovers. We have prepared courses for all levels and every need

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thinking of starting a successful pasta business?

We are involved with a variety of projects created to meet our clients needs. From design kitchens to make traditional or modern pasta menus. Tailoring specific workshops about special techniques or teaching and preparing staff for a new opening. Get in touch to find the right solution for you!